M.A. Boudourides' Recent Publications

  1. "Adiabatic circular Couette flow with temperature-dependent viscosity," J. Math. Anal. Appl. 152 (1990), 461-469.
  2. "The initial value problem for viscous incompressible free surface flow in a partially filled rotating cylinder," in Free Boundary Problems II (K.H. Hoffmann & J. Sprekels, eds.), Pitman Research Notes in Mathematics, vol. 186, Longman Group, 1990, 768-771.
  3. (With A.C. Nikoudes) "The attractor of the magnetic Benard problem," Asympt. Analysis 3 (1990), 133-144.
  4. (With A.C. Nikoudes) "The attractor of thermosolutal convection," Physica D 47 (1991), 439-449.
  5. "Μιγαδικά Αναλυτικά Δυναμικά Συστήματα στη Σφαίρα του Riemann" ("Complex Analytical Dynamical Systems on the Riemann Sphere"), presented in the 1st Panhellenic Conference and 6th Summer School of "Complexity and Chaotic Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems," Patras, Greece, July 1993.
    postcript file in Greek.
  6. "Αναλλοίωτα Μέτρα μέσω του Τελεστού Frobenius-Perron" ("Invariant Measures through Frobenius-Perron Operator"), presented in the 4th Panhellenic Conference and 9th Summer School of "Complexity and Chaotic Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems," Patras, Greece, July 22 - August 2, 1996.
    postcript file in Greek.
  7. (With Y. Elefteriadi) "On the problem of asymptotic equivalence of ordinary differential equations," Rev. Mat. Pura Appl. 22 (1996).
  8. (With Y. Elefteriadi) "Integral separation, Liapunov transformations and the small change in direction of the solutions of periodic linear systems of ordinary differential equations," J. Math. Anal. Appl. 211 (1997), 590-604.
  9. "Εκθέτες Lyapunov, Εντροπία και Πολυπλοκότητα" ("Lyapunov Exponents, Entropy, and Complexity"), presented in the 5th Panhellenic Conference and 10th Summer School of "Complexity and Chaotic Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems," Thessaloniki, Greece, July 14 - 25, 1997.
    postcript file in Greek.
  10. (With N. Fotiades) "Topological Conjugacies of Piecewise Monotone Interval Maps," presented in the 5th Panhellenic Conference and 10th Summer School of "Complexity and Chaotic Dynamics of Nonlinear Systems," Thessaloniki, Greece, July 14 - 25, 1997.
    PDF file in English.
    Also available at: http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/367.html
  11. (With D. Kugiumtzis) "Chaotic Analysis of Internet Ping Data: Just a Random Number Generator?" presented at the SOEIS meeting, Bielefeld, Germany, March 27-28, 1998.
    postscript and gz-compressed postscript file in English.
    Also available at: http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/kugiumtzis98chaotic.html
  12. "Εργοδικότητα Δυναμικών Συστημάτων" ("Ergodicity of Dynamical Systems"), presented in the 11th Summer School - Panhellenic Conference of "Nonlinear Dynamics: Complexity and Chaos," Livadeia, Greece, July 13 - 25, 1998.
    postcript file in Greek.
  13. (With N.A. Fotiades) "Topological Cojugacies of Piecewise Monotone Linear Maps," International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences 22(2) (2001), 119-127.
    PDF file in English.
  14. (With N.A. Fotiades) "Piecewise linear interval maps both expanding and contracting," Dynamics and Stability of Systems 15(4) (2001), 343-351.

  1. "Στα Ίχνη του Κυβερνοχώρου: VR, Internet και Μεγάλοι Λεωφόροι των Πληροφοριών" ("At the Traces of Cyberspace: VR, Internet, and Information Superhighways"), presented at the International Spring School on "Digital Media From Computer Graphics to Virtual Reality" (M. Meimaris, ed.), Athens, Greece, 1994.
    postcript file in Greek.
    A modified part of this paper has later appeared as "Η Τεχνολογία της Δυνητικής Πραγματικότητας (VR)" ("Virtual Reality Technology") in Greek Magazine Πρόταση (Protasi), 1997.
    HTML file in Greek.
  2. "Υπερκείμενο και Υπερμέσα: Κινήσεις στον Ηλεκτρονικό Χώρο Γραφής" ("Hypertext and eypermedia: Moving in the Electronic Writing Space"), notes in Greek (1995).
    HTML file in Greek.
  3. "Social and Psychological Effects in Computer-Mediated Communication," presented at the 2nd Workshop "Neties '95," TEI of Piraeus, Greece, October 12-13, 1995.
    HTML file in English.
    Presented (partially) in Greek as "Κοινωνικά Θέματα των Επικοινωνιών μέσω Υπολογιστή" in the First World Conference of Hellenes in Diaspora (ΣΑΕ), Thessaloniki, Greece, December 1995.
    HTML file in Greek.
  4. "Internet, Κοινωνία και Πολιτική" ("Internet, Society, and Politics"), presented at the International Symposium Communication Mass Media - Towards the Information Society: the European Dimension, Goethe Institute, Athens, Greece, October 6 - 8, 1995. Also it appeared in the Greek Magazine Αντί (Anti), September 2, 1995.
    HTML file in Greek.
  5. "Η Κρυφή Γοητεία του Κυβερνοχώρου: Ακυβερνησία ή Επικοινωνία;" ("Internet's Secret Charm: Nongovernability or Communication?"), in the Greek Newspaper Το Βήμα (To Vima), September 3, 1995.
    HTML file in Greek.
  6. "Όψεις Κυβερνοχώρου" ("Aspects of Cyberspace"), presented in a Lecture at the Goulandri-Horn Foundation of Athens, Greece, April 2, 1996.
    HTML file in Greek.
    Part of this paper has appeared as "Ο Κυβερνοχώρος των Δικτύων και της Επικοινωνίας" ("The Cyberspace of Networks and Communication") in the Greek Magazine Πρόταση (Protasi), 1996.
  7. "Το Παρελθόν του Κυβερνοχωρικού Μέλλοντος" ("The Past of the Cyberspatial Future"), presented at the series of lectures on "Information Society: Views and Perspectives", University of Cyprus, November 1996.
    HTML file in Greek.
  8. "Μια Γενική Παρουσίαση του Internet και του Παγκόσμιου Ιστού" ("A General Presentation of the Internet and the World-Wide Web"), notes in Greek (1996).
    HTML file in Greek.
  9. "Accounts of Sociality in the Information Society," paper presented at the International Conference "Electronic Commerce," Metsovo, Greece, July 4-6, 1997.
    HTML file in English.
  10. (Article of Lambrini Stamati and Evi Eleftheriadou) "Κι όμως, το Internet δεν ενώνει τους πάντες" ("Internet does not unite everybody") in Greek Newspaper Τα Νέα (Ta Nea), April 13, 1999.
    HTML file in Greek.
  11. "Internet και Κοινωνία" ("Internet and Society"), invited talk at the Conference "Information Technologies and Internet," Cephalonia Island, Greece, September 11-12, 1999.
    HTML file in Greek.
  12. (With E. Drakou) "Gender@Cyberspace," paper presented at the 4th European Feminist Research Conference, Bologna, Italy, September 28 - October 1, 2000.
    HTML file in English.
    Also available at: http://www.women.it/quarta/workshops/laracroft5/boudouridesdrakou.htm
  13. "Social Impacts of Rich Media: From Video-Mediated Communication to Collaborative Virtual Environments."
    HTML file in English.
  14. "New Directions of Internet Research," paper presented at the ETK ’2001 – NTTS ’2001 Conference, Hersonissos, Crete, Greece, June 18-22, 2001.
    PDF file in English.
    Also available at: http://webfarm.jrc.cec.eu.int/ETK-NTTS/Papers/final_papers/03.pdf
  15. (With N.V. Papakyriazis) "Electronic Weak Ties in Network Organisations," paper presented at the 4th GOR Conference, Goettingen, Germany, May 17-18, 2001.
    PDF file in English.
  16. "E-Mail in Organisational Power and Politics."
    PDF file in English.
  17. "E-Mail, Social Structure and Networks."
    PDF file in English.
  18. (With G.P. Antypas) "A Simulation of the Structure of the World-Wide Web," Sociological Research Online, vol. 7 (2002), issue 1.
    PDF file in English.
  19. (With S. Peticca) "Genres in Organizational Communication."
    PDF file in English.
  20. (With X. Polanco, D. Besagni & I. Roche) "Clustering and Mapping Web Sites: For Displaying Internal Associations and Visualizing Networks."
    PDF file in English.
  21. "Assessing the Social Impact of Rich & Mobile Media," paper presented at the IEP Workshop on the 6th FP, Barcelona, Spain, April 23, 2002.
    PDF file in English.
    Also available at: http://www.elpub.org/informbarc/boudourides.pdf
  22. "Indicators & the New Economy."
    PDF file in English.
  23. (With M. Mavrikakis & E. Vasileiadou) "E-Mail Threads, Genres and Networks in a Project Mailing List," paper presented at the AoIR 2002 Conference, Maastricht, the Netherlands, October 13-16, 2002.
    PDF file in English.

  1. "Για το Φράκταλ του Mandelbrot" ("About Mandelbrot's Fractal"), in the Greek Magazine Μη Γραμμικά Νέα - Chaos (Nonlinear News - Chaos) 2 (1992).
  2. "Η Δυναμική της Συμμετρίας" ("Symmetry and Dynamics"), in the Greek Magazine Μη Γραμμικά Νέα - Chaos (Nonlinear News - Chaos) 5 (1994).
  3. "Τα Λάθη της Επιστήμης ("The Faults of Science"), in the Greek Newspaper Το Βήμα (To Vima), January 6, 1995.
  4. "Chaos and Critical Theory," presented at the International Conference "Einstein meets Magritte", Brussels, Belgium, May, 1995.
    HTML file in English.
    "Χάος και Κριτική Θεωρία" ("Chaos and Critical Theory"), in the Greek Journal Νεύσις (Neusis) 5 (1996), 115-121.
    HTML file in Greek.
  5. "Constructivism, Education, Science, and Technology," Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology - RCAT, vol. 29, No. 3, pp. 5-20.
    PDF file in English.
    Previously presented as "Constructivism and Education: A Shopper's Guide" at the International Conference "Teaching of Mathematics," Samos, Greece, July 3-6, 1998.
    HTML file in English.
  6. "Cultural Studies of Science, Complexity, and the Internet," paper presented at the International Conference "Cultural Studies, Data Bases and Europe," Debrecen, Hungary, Sept. 29 - Oct. 3, 1998.
    HTML file in English.
  7. (with B. Sigrist & P. Alevizos) "Webometrics and the Self-Organization of the European Information Society," paper presented in the SOEIS project.
    HTML file in English.
  8. "The Theory of Self-Organization as a Societal Intermediation," a report for the SOEIS project.
    PDF file in English.
  9. "Οι Πραγματικές Πολυπλοκότητες των Διεθνών Σχέσεων" ("The Real Complexities of International Relations"), presented in the 13th Summer School - Panhellenic Conference of "Nonlinear Dynamics: Complexity and Chaos," Chania, Greece, July 17 - 28, 2000.
    HTML file in Greek.
  10. "Σύγχρονοι Κοινωνικοί Μετασχηματισμοί του Πανεπιστήμιου και της Επιστήμης" ("Current Social Transformations of University and Science").
    HTML file in Greek.
  11. "Οι Πολιτικές των Νέων Μέσων των Τεχνολογιών Πληροφορίας κι Επικοινωνίας" ("New Media Policies for Information & Communication Technologies"), presented in the International Conference "The Digital Challenge: Media & Democracy," Athens, Greece, May 10 - 12, 2001.
    PDF file in Greek.
  12. "Issues in the Evaluation of RTD Projects," paper presented at the COMMORG Kick-Off Meeting, Rome, May 3-5, 2001.
    PDF file in English.
  13. "The Politics of Technological Innovations: Network Approaches," paper presented at the International Summer Academy on Technological Studies: User Involvement in Technological Innovation, Deutschlandsberg, Austria, July 8-14, 2001.
    PDF file in English.
    Also available at: http://www.ifz.tu-graz.ac.at/sumacad/01/sa01_boudourides.pdf
  14. "New ICTs Policies," paper presented at the ICITA-2001 Conference, Innovations for an e-Society: Challenges for Technology Assessment, Berlin, October 17-20, 2001.
    PDF file in English.
    Also available at: http://www.itas.fzk.de/e-society/preprints/egovernance/Boudourides.pdf
  15. "Networks, Fluids, Chaos," paper presented at the International Conference Spacing and Timing: Rethinking Globalization & Standardization, Palermo, Italy, November 1-3, 2001.
    PDF file in English.
    Also available at: http://www.emp.uc3m.es/~quattron/conference/papers/Boudourides.pdf
  16. "Επιστήμη & Τεχνολογία Σήμερα: Η Πολιτική των Δικτύων και της Αξιολόγησης" ("Science & Technology Today: The Politics of Networks and Evaluation")
    PDF file in Greek.
  17. "Δίκτυα Έρευνας και Άναπτυξης" ("Networks of Research and Development")
    PDF file in Greek.
  18. "Governance in Science & Technology," paper presented at the EASST 2002 Conference, York, UK, July 31 - August 3, 2002.
    PDF file in English.
    Also available at: ftp://ftp.iccr.co.at/europub/ws1-boudourides.pdf
  19. "A Review of Network Theories on the Formation of Public Opinion," paper presented at the 2002 EURICOM Colloquium, Nijmegen, the Netherlands, October 9-11, 2002.
    PDF file in English.
    Also available at: http://baserv.uci.kun.nl/~jankow/Euricom/papers/Boudourides.pdf
    Published at: EJC/REC, The Electronic Journal of Communication / La Revue Electronique de Communication, vol. 14, nos. 3 & 4, 2004
  20. (with D. Kalamaras) "Biotechnology in Greece," paper for the STAGE Project.
    PDF file in English.
  21. (with D. Kalamaras) "ICTs in Greece," paper for the STAGE Project.
    PDF file in English.
  22. (with D. Kalamaras) "Environmental Organisations in Greece," paper for the STAGE Project.
    PDF file in English.
  23. "Μουσεία Επιστημών & Τεχνολογίας και Κοινωνία" ("Science & Technology Museums and Society").
    PDF file in Greek.
  24. "A Simulation of Self-Organized Plastic Actors in an Elastic Network," paper presented at the SUNBELT XXIII International Social Network Conference, Cancun, Mexico, February 12-16, 2003.
    PDF file in English.
  25. "Participation Under Uncertainty," paper presented at the VALDOR 2003 Conference, Stockholm, Sweden, June 9-13, 2003.
    PDF file in English.

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