Vlachou Vagia
Vlachou Vagia
Division: Pure Mathematics

email vvlachou@math.upatras.gr
web Personal Page
phone +302610996775
home Office 319, 3rd Floor, Building of Biology / Mathematics
access_time On sabbatical during the academic year 2023-24
Academic Qualifications
description Ph.D.: 2002, Department of Mathematics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
description M.Sc.: 1998, Department of Mathematics, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
description B.Sc.: 1995, Department of Mathematics, University of Crete
Research Interests
chevron_right Approximation in the Complex Plane
chevron_right Universal and multiple universal functions
chevron_right Cyclic and Hypercyclic Operators
chevron_right Rieman Zeta function
During the current academic year she teaches the following courses:
Undergraduate Courses
