There are seven Schools at The University of Patras: the School of Natural Sciences, the Engineering School, The School of Health Sciences, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, the School of Economics & Business, the School of Health Rehabilitation Sciences and the Scholl of Agricultural Sciences.  Every School is comprised of a number of Departments representing related scientific fields. The Department is the basic academic unit of university education covering a specific scientific subject.  Every Department's program of study leads to a uniform degree. 

The Department of Mathematics was instituted along with the founding of the University of Patras in 1966. It initially belonged to the School of Mathematics and Physics, which was renamed to School of Naural Sciences in 1983. Nowadays, it is one of the six Departments of the School of Natural Sciences and represents the field of mathematical sciences. It shares a three-story building with the Department of Biology inside the University Campus in Rion which is an area just outside the city of Patras.

The Department of Mathematics of the University of Patras is internationally visible and provides high-level studies investing in the scientific training of its students. The constant evolution of science and technology has broadened the fields for which mathematics is prerequisite knowledge: new employment opportunities are constantly being created for bachelors or masters degree holders who can demonstrate a substantial mathematical background. Recognizing the need for a broad and modern education, the Department of Mathematics maintains certain specialized divisions in order to be able to support education and research in a wide range of mathematical areas. Research carried out by the faculty of the department has gained international recognition, has led to various international collaborations and has increased mobility of students and faculty.
