In the Department of Mathematics, each academic year is a qualifying exam.

The graduates of the Departments of TEI, TEI are ranked in the Department. or equal to them, ASPAETE, Greece or abroad (recognized by DOTATP), as well as the holders of higher education degrees of two-year and two-year cycles under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs and other Ministries, 12% of the number of the Department's admissions. The semester for the graduates of the University of Athens. and TEI or equal to them, is defined as the third (C), and for the graduates of Higher Education Institutions of the two-year and multi-year courses, the first (A).

The way of ranking for all categories of graduates is written examination in three courses as follows:

  • Analysis I
  • Linear Algebra I
  • Introduction to Algebra and Set Theory

In any case, the subject matter of the above mentioned courses is that of the corresponding courses of the current Curriculum in the Department.

Applications will be from 1 to 15 November and the examinations will take place from 1 to 20 December on the basis of a timely program. Graduates are given the opportunity to recognize courses from their curriculum of origin upon their request and approval by the Assembly of the Department.

For more information on rankings, contact the Department of Mathematics Secretariat.
