Faculty members of the Sector of Applied Analysis

van der Weele Ko, Professor, weele@math.upatras.gr
Vassilios Papageorgiou, Professor, vassilis@math.upatras.gr
Anastasios Togas, Lecturer, tasos@math.upatras.gr

Faculty members of the Sector of Pure Mathematics

Andreas Arvanitoyeorgos, Associate Professor, arvanito@math.upatras.gr
Vagia Vlachou Associate Professor, vvlachou@math.upatras.gr
Georgios Eleftherakis, Assistant Professor, gelefth@math.upatras.gr
Sophia Zafiridou, zafeirid@math.upatras.gr
Panagis Karazeris, Associate Professor, pkarazer@math.upatras.gr
Pavlos Tzermias, Professor, tzermias@math.upatras.gr

Partners of the Program

Vasilios Papantoniou, Emeritus Professor at the University of Patras, bipapant@math.upatras.gr
Dimitris Tsoumpelis, Emeritus Professor at the University of Patras, tsoubeli@math.upatras.gr


Dimitrios Georgiou, Program Director, georgiou@math.upatras.gr
Terpsichore Panayotopoulos, Secretariat of the Postgraduate Studies Program, Administrative Manager, hpanag@upatras.gr 
Dionysios Anfyfantis, Computer Center, Technical Support, dany@math.upatras.gr 
