The Computational and Statistical Data Analysis (MCDA) of the University of Patras is developed with the collaboration of the "Statistics - Probability Theory and Operational Research" and "Computational Mathematics" sections of the Postgraduate Studies Program and Informatics "of the Department of Mathematics. The teaching of the courses is based on the academic staff of the two collaborating academic units, which has recognized research work and specialization in the individual subjects taught. To further strengthen the program, specialists are invited, other than the two collaborating units, who have a recognized research, educational or professional contribution to specific subjects taught.
The PMS "Computational and Statistical Data Analysis" aims to provide specialized interdisciplinary postgraduate education in data management, representation and processing as well as relevant computational techniques. In particular, the MCDA PMS is intended to:
the foundation of knowledge about models and / or empirical techniques developed in combination for data processing in the broader scientific field of mathematics, computing and statistics,
in the comprehension, processing and analysis of data of various types with modern algorithmic - computational techniques,
in the statistics and the conditions of its application in different sets of data in the right way, in every circumstance,
in the representation, storage and presentation of complex data, flexible, efficient and effective data management.
The Master of Science (MSc) is awarded a Postgraduate Diploma in Computational and Statistical Data Analytics (MSc in Computational and Statistical Data Analytics).
Up to 30 graduates of the National and Associated Institutions of the Foreign Departments of Positive and Technological Sciences, Polytechnic Schools, Schools of Economics and Administration are admitted to the postgraduate program. Graduates of Military Schools, as well as ATEI Departments of a related subject are also admitted. The admission process (conditions and criteria) is detailed in the program operating rules.
The duration of the program for the award of the Postgraduate Diploma is three (3) academic semesters with a maximum active duration of six (6) semesters.
There is no provision for part-time attendance.
Postgraduate Students (MB) are required to renew their registration every semester through the Electronic Secretariat https://progress.upatras.gr. The renewal is done within the exclusive deadlines announced by the Secretariat of the PPS.
The courses are semi-annual with their teaching done in Greek and / or English.
Four (4) Compulsory Core Courses are taught in the first semester. In the second semester two (2) Compulsory Core Courses are taught and a number of Elective Courses are taught, each student having to choose two (2). In the third semester the students prepare the Master's thesis. A total of 90 European credits (ECTS) are required to acquire a postgraduate degree. Of these, thirty (30) units correspond to the four compulsory courses of the first semester (core courses), thirty (30) units correspond to the 4 courses of the second semester [: 2 compulsory and 2 elective courses] and thirty (30) correspond to the elaboration of the postgraduate diploma thesis of the 3rd semester.
After the registration of the MP has been renewed, the MFA decides on the course that it intends to follow. Each student must declare thirty (30) ECTS units (corresponding to four (4) courses) in the first and thirty (30) ECTS units (corresponding to four (4) courses) in the second semester of his studies. After the second semester and until the expected maximum duration of study, the MP may also indicate the lessons he / she is required every semester.
The teaching of each postgraduate course lasts thirty nine (39) hours per week (13 weeks x 3 hours per week). The duration of the teaching time is set at forty five (45) minutes with a fifteen (15) minute break.
Teaching is done in the morning and / or afternoon hours according to the timetable, which is announced by the Secretariat of the PMS. The attendance may include traditions, seminars, lectures, workshops, individual and / or collective works (oral and / or written).
Monitoring the teaching of lessons and exercises (laboratory, etc.) is obligatory. Absences can be justified, the maximum number of which may not exceed 1/6 of the lessons or exercises performed. If the limit of absences is exceeded, the MP is not entitled to examine it and is obliged to repeat the lesson.
Performance in each lesson is evaluated by the teacher (s) and scored with the scoring scale applicable to undergraduates. Specifically, the scores given range from zero (0) to ten (10) with increments of the integer or half unit. Predictable grades are 5 and the highest.
In the event of failure to attend a course or exceeding the absences limit, the postgraduate student is obliged to resume attendance. In the case of a second failure in a course, the postgraduate student is deleted from the Program.
No recurrent September test is foreseen for the courses of both semesters.
8. MSc thesis
It is not possible to replace it with another "appropriate" scientific procedure for any reason.
For each student, at the beginning of the first semester, a member of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics (MCDA), as a supervising professor (EC) of his diploma thesis, appointed at the beginning of the semester, at the beginning of the semester, at the request of the MP and his / her assent. The EC, defines the subject of diplomatic work. The research, collection - processing of data and finally the elaboration of the PP is carried out and is completed during the 3rd semester
The NR is strictly individual, it must be thematic in the field of Statistics and / or Informatics and demonstrate advanced theoretical knowledge and skills of empirical applications, critical thinking, and analytical - synthesis - research skills. Indicatively, a Diploma Thesis may consist of: (i) original research work, (ii) detailed proof or extension of known conclusions, which does not exist in the bibliography, (iii) a report of a subject, proving good knowledge, and depth understanding of the relevant literature.
An integrated NR should reflect the ability of the MP to undertake an independent and autonomous research initiative. The NR should indicate that the student is aware of the relevant literature. It must be scrutinized, written linguistically, in accordance with the basic rules of grammar and syntax, and should not contain typographical or other errors. The IC is drafted in Greek with a summary thereof in one of the official languages of the European Union.
For examining the postgraduate diploma thesis, a three-member examination committee is appointed, at the request of the EP, in which the supervisor and two (2) other members of the faculty participate. or researchers of grades A, B or C, who hold a PhD degree and belong to the same or a relative degree as the one in which the work was done. The examination of diplomatic work is carried out only if the MP has been successfully examined in all the required courses of the MSc.
The R & D rating is based on the evaluation of its research work, the scientific methodology of obtaining the results, the bibliographic presentation and the usefulness of the findings. The way of written and oral presentation and the answers of the MP to the questions are also evaluated.
9. Rights and Obligations of Students
Postgraduate students have all the rights and benefits provided for students in the first course of study, except for the right to provide free textbooks.
Students do not pay for study fees.
MBs admitted to this Postgraduate Program are required:
Enroll and make a course statement each semester of study, within the deadlines announced by the Secretariat of the PMS.
To follow regularly and continuously the courses they have chosen for each semester of their studies, signing in the attendance.
Submit the required exercises, tasks, etc. within the specified deadlines. for each lesson.
To attend the examinations.
Complete the assessment questionnaires of each participating course.
Respect and respect the decisions of the collective bodies as well as the academic ethics.
To participate in the undergraduate educational work of the Department in the form of support of faculty members to an auxiliary work according to their specific instructions, provided that for any offer they receive a monetary fee.
The provision of an educational project by a PhD student of TM to other students of the same Department, without assignment by the Assembly of the Department, is unethical.
10. Diploma Award
The postgraduate student completes his / her studies and receives the Postgraduate Diploma, when he / she fulfills all the obligations foreseen by the Program and the Internal Rules of Operation for Postgraduate Studies of the University of Patras.
The degree of postgraduate studies is based on the weighted average of the postgraduate and postgraduate courses (weighted by the credit units of the courses and the diploma thesis) and weighted to the second decimal.
In order to participate in the ceremony, MFA graduates submit to the Secretariat of the PPS the required supporting documents.
The BMI is accompanied by a Diploma Supplement in Greek and English, which contains, among other things, information and data on the duration and content of the curriculum, the qualifications and specialization acquired by the graduate and his grade, according to the European ECTS Unit System.
BMI is awarded at least twice a year, one for all Masters Courses, at a special public ceremony, attended by Rectorate, the Presidents of Departments and all postgraduate students who have met the BMI award criteria.